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"If photography is allowed to supplement art in some of its functions, it will soon have supplanted or corrupted it altogether, thanks to the stupidity of the multitude which is its natural ally."

These are the words of Charles Baudelaire, a french poet who accused photography of being too realistic and not belonging to a form of art. Photography today has grown far from this quote but history repeats itself and we are faced with the same issues with A.I. Art. Art is in constant evolution and it must speak the language of the public to whom it is destined.


Welcome to my collection of images inspired by the spirit of Amazon warriors. As a young artist, I have always been fascinated by the strength, courage, and determination of these legendary figures. I created this collection as a way to honor and remember the fierce spirit of the Amazon warriors, and to inspire others to embrace their own strength and resilience.
Each image in this collection is a unique tribute to the Amazon warrior spirit. Each piece wants to capture the essence of what it means to be an Amazon warrior, any type of warrior spirit.
I hope that these images will inspire you to tap into your own inner strength and to embrace the warrior spirit within you.




My vision of the Zodiac by Kian












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